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Ryan Ayers, DO

Family Medicine Resident

Second Year Resident

Medical Interests:

  • Psychiatry/Psychology, Addiction, ADHD, Advocacy, Reform, Sustainability

About Dr. Ayers:

  • Dr. Ayers is a first-year Family Medicine resident with a diverse range of medical interests and a passion for making a positive impact on the world. He attended TUNCOM (Touro University Nevada College of Osteopathic Medicine) for his medical education. He is one of the family medicine residents with the Family Medicine Residency program. This program is a collaborative partnership between Prisma Health Tuomey Hospital, the USC School of Medicine and Tandem Health.
  • Dr. Ayers is determined to leave a legacy of making the world a better place than he found it. His commitment to advocacy and healthcare reform reflects his desire to positively influence society's well-being and healthcare systems.
  • Outside of his medical pursuits, he enjoys engaging in various activities to maintain a balanced lifestyle. He participates in fitness competitions and indulges in mountain biking, which helps him stay physically active and connected to nature. He also keeps up with current events, demonstrating his curiosity and awareness of the world around him. Additionally, he appreciates the value of art and likely finds it a creative outlet to balance the scientific aspects of his profession.
  • A fun fact about Dr. Ayers is his ongoing efforts to perfect his homemade beef jerky. This highlights his interest in culinary adventures and experimentation. He highly recommends his bulgogi-habanero as his best recipe at the time this article was written.
  • He also has a quest for the best fried chicken, and his current favorite spot is Bojangles. This passion for seeking out the best in things reflects his dedication to excellence and his adventurous spirit.