Medical Interests:
- Health Equity
About Dr. Ndimbo:
- Dr. Ndimbo graduated from the University of Texas Health Center San Antonio but was born and raised in Cameroon, West Africa. Dr. Ndimbo won a diversity visa (DV) lottery that granted him a green card in 2009, enabling him to move to the US and study medicine.
- He is one of the family medicine residents with the Family Medicine Residency program. This program is a collaborative partnership between Prisma Health Tuomey Hospital, the USC School of Medicine and Tandem Health.
- Dr. Ndimbo did not always know he wanted to be in the medical field. At the age of 16, he participated in a malaria campaign and was motivated to give back to his community which launched his journey into medicine.
- When not at work, you can find him playing soccer, spending time with family and taking street/landscape pictures and jumping out of planes - YES, he went skydiving and hopes to go again soon!